Both functional but highly stylish, these camouflage skinny ties will give your wardrobe a tactical advantage! Standing at the alter of a marriage between functionality and sophistication, these camouflage skinny ties will make you look good when you don't want to be seen at all. We call it invisible-chic. It's probably easy to wonder why any man could possibly want a blue camouflage tie but there's actually some well reasoned logic behind it. For example, have you ever eaten a prime cut of steak on a canoe in shark infested waters? Well, The Brothers at OTAA have and let's just say it wasn't a great idea. They designed the Sea Blue Camouflage Skinny Tie to prevent such hazardous situations in the future. So whether you're hiking in the Amazon, trekking on a camel in the Sahara or you just want to hide from your boss in the office- there's undoubtedly an army skinny tie in here to suit your needs! Just think of it as a little gift, from us to you. Let their hand-stitched approach to tailoring and impeccable pure cotton fabric bring a wealth of luxury to your everyday styling. It's okay if you're not an avid adventurer, these camouflage skinny ties will make a great statement in the office and will also give you a point of difference on your weekend outings. Designed exclusively by The Brothers at OTAA.
Surf The Range 🏄