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How To Fold A Four Peak Fold

The Four Peak Fold, or The Crown, is designed to make you look and feel like absolute royalty! It offers four angular tips that splay out like a king's crown. So if you want to strut into the office looking like the most pompous guy in the room, the Four Peak Fold will be your new best friend! It's one of the more complex methods in our How To Series, so approach it with caution and patience. Just please don't forget us at OTAA when you take your rightful place on that throne.

Four Peak Fold folding steps

How To Fold A Four Peak Fold - steps How To Fold A Four Peak Fold - steps How To Fold A Four Peak Fold - steps
  1. Lay your pocket square face-down in a diamond shape.
  2. Fold it in half from bottom to top and angle the top point slightly askew to the right of the bottom point.
  3. Take to bottom right corner and fold it up askew to the left of both the top points.
  4. Take the bottom left corner and fold it up askew to the right of the top points.
  5. Take the right corner and fold it into the centre.
  6. Take the left corner and fold it all the way to the right to create a cone.
  7. Fold the bottom section up to the back. Adjust according to the length of your pocket.
  8. Place it in your pocket.
How To Fold a Pocket Square


The Four Peak Fold, or The Crown, is a time-honoured tradition amongst gentlemen. It's a classic and iconic pocket square fold that has existed for at least half a century. If you want to achieve a classic look that doesn't skimp on the details, the Four Peak Fold will put you in the same line of prestige as Sinatra and Mr. Clooney.

Styling Tips

By its very nature, the Four Peak Fold is very extravagant. The ironic thing about extravagance is that if you pair too many fancy things on top of each other, they can end up having an opposing effect. To retain as much sophistication as possible, make sure you pair the Four Peak Fold with a very simple pocket square. This will make sure that all the attention goes to the pocket square fold itself, as opposed to the fabric.

Folding Tips

The critical point of this pocket square fold is making sure the front peaks are centred. To do this, make a special effort to cross the side peaks over evenly. If you fold one peak over too far to the left or right, it will throw the entire pocket square out of balance.
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