The quintessential men's tie bar does exist. As he shoots his third espresso for the day, one of the Brothers exclaims, 'Tie bars are over-engineered these days. How can we make them better, simple?' Each tie clip in OTAA's collection of men's tie clips has been flawlessly finished in rhodium in varying colours and styles to add individuality to your outfit. Adding a tie clip to your ensemble is the icing on the cake, the best way to add a dash of originality at your next soirée, and OTAA's men's tie bar has been crafted delicately in rhodium and carefully deliberated in its measurements to produce a sublime finish. Adding a tie clip to your tie in just the correct position (not too high and not too low) will create an exquisite silhouette that will illuminate the tie pin without distracting the admirer. Designed in Melbourne by the Brothers at OTAA, the tie clip is an ideal addition to any outfit to exhibit your affinity for classic necktie accessories.
The best part about the tie bar online at OTAA is that you can go right. Each tie clip online is complete with its measurements and fasting mechanism, alternating between rich, matte gold and glistening, luxurious silver. Ranging between the regular-sized tie clip and the mini tie bar, the Brothers' collection contains many tie bars online. Buy tie clips at OTAA and uncover a fresh way to express your panache whilst nodding to the classic tie slide. If you're undecided on which tie clasp to opt for, drop the Brothers a line before you buy tie bars, and they'll offer their perspectives based on their experience. Come on board and purchase tie clips from OTAA's timeless, well-designed tie bar collection.
Unveiling the secret to finding the perfect tie clips for men–it's all about your personal preference. Mix and match your tie bar collection with opulent, solid silvers and lavish gold. Feel free to experiment with unique tie clips that create intriguing silhouettes. Once you've found the perfect tie clips for your outfits, remember to position them between your shirt's third and fourth buttons for a balanced look. The beauty of tie clips is that they reflect your style, a concept at the forefront of the Brothers' minds when they designed our best tie bar collection.
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